Can my hotel convert traffic or online visits into reservations?

Can my hotel, In any hotel or tourist company in general. One of the main doubts that arises after managing to increase traffic to its website . Thanks to the development and correct functioning of an online marketing strategy and on social networks. Is: how to convert that guest traffic? The question arose in our previous post. Where we saw how to attract online visits to our hotels. Which you can consult here . First we must try to understand that the strategies or actions that our hotels have and/or are carrying out to obtain more online visibility (traffic) . Should not only include social media marketing. But also different services such as: blogs SEO SEM CRM affiliate programs. Mobile phone advertising. etc. That is, a complete online or digital marketing strategy.

Clarifying concepts

Can my hotel, What is content generated by a client. Follower or user? It is any data or information email contact list (written comment photograph video post etc.) contributed by the different users (fans clients or potential clients suppliers etc.) of a social network. Blog or website of a hotel or company. tourism. Instead of being created or produced by a professional (community manager) who works for the same establishment. “In the hotel and tourism sector in general. It is normal to find. On the Internet many comment messages photos videos etc. contributed by different users or consumers of their services or products” The importance of our guests’ comments 1- For search engine optimization Search engines reward fresh content sources: Content is king.

For feedback formats

 Bing, for its part. Is interested in the social activity of its users to identify content that they like. It Phone Database also gives priority in SEO to content that is popular among online communities. But in its case the priority is Facebook and its Likes. All these priorities of search engines towards social platforms mean that it is no longer exclusively good link building or keywords that position – almost by themselves – a hotel website. Improving trust and commitment to our brand online – through the social activity of our online visitors – plays an important role in increasing visibility in search engines. This could be another strong reason to invest in managing a better social media reputation. 2- To foster the trust of our visitors or potential clients “When making a final purchase.

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