Humidity in winter how can we prepare in our homes

Since the end of October, in Spain we have notice a great drop in temperatures throughout the territory. Winter has arrive very early and too strongly. And, with this, the problems associate with the cold are about to fall. The well-known colds, throat irritations and dryness. That is undoubtdly the perfect climate for one of the enemies of health to make a strong appearance again. The humidity in winter gets into our bones outdoors, especially in coastal areas. But in our homes the problem can be even greater. Do you already know how to prevent yourself? If we askd practically anyone who lives in an area where a lot of water vapor is concentrate in the air – such as the Mediterranean or Atlantic coast.

How to eliminate hu midity in winter in our homes

There is more humidity in winter or in the warm months, they would surely tell us that It’s something that goes more with the cold. While it is true that the sensation of humidity is greater in France Telegram Number Data winter, the humidity in summer is also very noticeable . After all, it can be notic in sweating. Even so, it is in winter when humidity can do the most damage to old or poorly prepar houses. And if there is not good air circulation , it is very possible that in winter the windows will be clos and greater humidity problems will occur. How do you know during these months if there are humidity problems in your home in winter ? Humidity creates bad odors , especially with clos windows. It is possible to see the effects of humidity on some walls or ceilings, especially if mold is present. Humidity.


Causes respirat ory problems

If you tend to suffer from them, it is possible that there is excess water vapor in the air in your home. The air we breathe indoors is, in too many cases, more important than the air we find Indonesia Telegram Number outdoors. After all, more and more time is spent between walls, and we are very vulnerable during sleeping hours. Therefore, it is important to eliminate humidity problems in winter as soon as possible, since it is the time of year in which we spend the most time at home, and especially with the windows close in homes without mechanical ventilation systems to circulate the air. Humidity in winter is a problem that should be correcte before the cold of January arrives. During the coldest months, excessive waterproofing occurs in.

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