Do you take energy efficiency into account in

When making a purchase or investment in a property, both individuals and companies had evaluatd different factors: state of conservation, location, surface area, nearby services and communications, profitability,… But, in the last two decades, the materials and qualities of construction are also acquiring significant value . All of this translates into future cost savings, both in maintenance and conservation, and in energy savings. This last point, energy efficiency, is where improvement is most encourag. Both from public bodies such as IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving), dependent on the Ministry for the Ecological Transition , and through the modification of legislation, as is the case of the.

Energy certi fication in homes

Installations of the Buildings). In the case of housing is where the greatest emphasis is being place. The first steps began to be taken in 2002, with the Energy Efficiency in Buildings Directive . Subsequently, through Royal Decree 47/2007 , of January 19, which approves the basic procdure for the certification of energy efficiency of newly built buildings. Although Denmark WhatsApp Number Data the final boost came in  with Royal, which approves the basic procdure for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings. Legally, every home and property that you wish to sell or rent must obtain this energy certification . This is the well-known color scale from A to G that appears even in any appliance we buy today. In the case at hand, in construction, it would be the ratio of energy consume to keep the interior in comfortable habitable conditions for its occupants.

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The impor tance of the Passivhaus standard

Improve this relationship, different factors come into play, such as a good prior design and an appropriate choice of both materials and equipment as well as its installation. All these steps are aime at standardizing minimum standards so that buildings have a sense Canada WhatsApp Phone Number Data of sustainability  and energy efficiency. Thanks to constant technical evolutions, we must go one step further. Already in , the Passivhaus standard originatd in Central Europe . It is basd on 5 points to rduce energy consumption by 70% compard to a traditional home: Excellent thermal insulation. High-performance door and window carpentry. Sealing to prevent air infiltration. Absence of thermal bridges. Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. In the case of carrying out projects bad on this standard, a great qualitative leap would be made, going from the legally requir minimums to exce.

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