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We can say that a blog

Error 3 ⇒ not having knowledge or experience on the topics you write about
writing about something we don’t know anything about is not the best option or choice for a blog, since you will be entering into slippery terrain, and it is very likely that you will take a big “slip.”

it is always best to write about topics that we know very well and about which we have a thousand and one experiences and anecdotes to tell.

john wayne syndrome

one of the main objectives of a blog, and for me the most important one, is to create a reading community around it, since it is a participatory and collaborative tool.

It is in this last aspect where my blog has great value because we can give the opportunity to other bloggers to publish articles in it, in this way we will not only increase the quality with the entry of professionals from different profiles of marketing and social media, but it will also help us to increase and improve our relationship with other professionals.

So,  is also an effective networking mechanism.

Mistake 5 ⇒ forgetting about subscribers

this may not be the worst mistake, but it is an important one that we tend to make when we start our journey as bloggers. It happened to me and I started getting subscribers just 13 years ago.

But i can’t complain because in this time i have gained more than 11,000 subscribers, with an average of more than 1,000 subscribers per month.

So, always remember, it is best to start capturing subscribers to your blog from minute 0.