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Types of Computer in Hindi: Types and Advantages of Computer

Today, the computer has become such a device without which it is difficult to imagine any work. Today, be it school or any organization, computers  Types and Advantages are found everywhere. Be it preparing documents or presentations, sending e-mails or playing games, today everything is being done easily due to computers. Computers business owner database are used to do anything accurately and quickly.

In this Article

What is a computer ? ( Computer Kya Hai in Hindi)

You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations or videos. “Computer” is derive from a Latin word “Computare”, which means “to calculate”.

In today’s time, computers have become an how to get your first followers by creating your twitter profile integral part of our lives. Types and Advantages because of computers, we can solve complex data easily, that too with accuracy. Computers have revolutionize the way we work and communicate. Because of computers, today computers are not only available as desktops but also as laptops and tablets.

A computer has two main parts: hardware and software. Hardware works to execute any task and software works to give instructions on how to do which task.

History of Computer History of Computer in Hindi)

The computer was invent thousands of years ago, but with time it kept changing. Initially, a device call Abacus was use for calculations. It was made of wood. Types and Advantages to make calculations easier, Scottish mathematician John Bones develop a machine call Napier’s Bones.

The first digital computer was invent by Blaise Pascal in the year 1642. It was also known as the Arithmetic Machine.

The first mechanical computer was develope by phone number vietnam Charles Babbage in 1822. It use punch cards for program storage and was so large that it require an entire room to store it.