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This will improve your website’s

Use targeted keywords in image alt tags to tell Google that the image used is relevant to the content. Additionally, this facilitates accessibility for visually impaired users. Implement structured data (schema.org) markup so that Google can correctly identify all the different elements on your site.


Schema markup

will also make your page eligible for rich/featured snippets. 5. Content Quality, Length, and Optimization This is a very complex topic, but the general principle to remember is that your SEO performance depends on your content. No amount of optimization will help if your c level contact list content is of low quality and has no value/relevance to your target audience.


This is even more true with

the recent Google BERT algorithm, which allows Google to better understand the context of a page. So, how can we say that a piece of content is of high quality? While this is a very broad topic, general factors are: Whether the content contains fresh, up-to-date information Whether the content matches the search intent of your target audience discover the 3 main benefits of investing in privacy Is “voted” by other high-quality sites in the form of backlinks (more on that later) Receives a lot of social engagement (shares, likes, etc.), although social signals are not a direct ranking factor There is an ongoing debate about whether the length of your content matters.


However, according to various

surveys and results, longer content tends to perform better in SEO content marketing strategies, with content over 2,000 words getting more top ten positions in SERPs. However, this is not a b2b reviews one-size-fits-all answer. If the topic you’re covering doesn’t require lengthy content, don’t force it.


Maintaining quality for longer

content is obviously more difficult as well, so consider that. 6. Domain Age, Authority, and URL Optimization Over 50% of websites ranked on the first page of the SERP are three years or more old, and very few websites less than a year old make the top ten. However, this shouldn’t discourage you because ranking is definitely not impossible even if you are brand new to the site.