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This usually has to do with the relevance

Therefore, you must ensure that your website is mobile-friendly or mobile-responsive to increase its SEO success. Thankfully, creating a mobile-responsive website is now easier than ever. If you use a visual website building platform like Wix or Squarespace to build your website, chances are it will be mobile responsive right out of the box.


If you use WordPress

you can simply switch to a mobile responsive theme, many of which are free right now. Also, pay special attention to your content. If the mobile version of your website is different from the job function email list desktop version (mobile-friendly rather than mobile-responsive). Make sure to compare what’s on the mobile version with what’s on the desktop.


You need to ensure that both

versions have similar content quantity and quality. 3. Page Load Speed ​​Page speed is the time it takes for all meet PrIA, privacy tools’ generative AI content to be fully displayed on a specific page, not to be confused with “site speed” (page speed for just a sample of page views on the entire website) and “time to first byte” (the time it takes to receive the first byte of data from the server).


According to Google, 50%

of users will bounce if your page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and bounce rate is also an important ranking b2b reviews factor. You can use Google’s PageSpeed ​​Insights to monitor page speed and improve your website based on the recommendations provided.


4. Technical Factors

This is actually a collection of different technical on-site factors, including but not limited to: Use of targeted keywords in the page title/title. A general rule of thumb is to use focus keywords in your title as early as possible. This is where Google first indexes to determine the context and relevance of the content.


META descriptions

are natural and attractive to human readers while naturally containing target keywords. Keep META descriptions short and effective by summarizing them. Use title tags (from H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content correctly, making it easier for Google to index and improving readability.