Tax deadline calendar October

As can be seen from the calendar, October is an almost “normal” month as regards appointments with the tax authorities, although thanks to the August Legislative Decree some taxes can wait. The date to pay most attention to is October 16th. Let’s see the deadline calendar : 1 October : companies that have not yet communicated their digital domicile must do so by this day to avoid sanctions. To verify the presence of your PEC address in the appropriate registers you can carry out a search on the INI-PEC portal . Anyone who has a rental contract and has not chosen the “dry tax” regime must pay the registration tax by today. 10 October :

Employers of workers involved in

domestic and family services are required to pay  contributions relating Hong Kong Phone Number Data to the previous quarter. 12 October : deadline for the payment of contributions to the supplementary pension and welfare funds for managers. 15 October : those who have a VAT number must issue and register the deferred invoicing for the previous month. Furthermore, non-profit associations under a subsidized regime are required to register the fees. 16 October : companies that employ journalists are required to pay contributions and submit the monthly contribution declaration to INGI .

Phone Number Data

Also deadline for the payment

Of social security contributions for collaborators India Phone Number List and employees for INPS and for INPS – separate management . Companies in the entertainment industry are required to pay the relevant tax. 20 October : VAT holders are required to pay virtual stamp duty on electronic invoices issued in the last quarter. Industrial companies must instead report and pay the supplementary social security contributions for managers relating to the previous quarter. 30 October : last day available to send the application for access to the one-off newsstand bonus 2020. 31 October : last day to send salary and contribution data linked to UniEmens . Furthermore, it is necessary to communicate to INPS the communication of the redundancy fund for unavoidable events.

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