Published on September 17, 2020 Alt text ing new customers abroad, establishing international collaborations, expanding and increasing the opportunities for success of your business: internationalization is the goal of many companies. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs do not have the right resources and skills to start out in another country, where the context and market dynamics are completely different from our own. Those who operate without the necessary knowledge and a strategy with attention to detail risk ruining the entire internationalization process or – in the worst case scenario –
causing a decline and crisis in the company
It is therefore necessary to prepare adequately South Africa Phone Number Data before taking such an important step. For all companies interested in exports, the Perugia Chamber of Commerce organizes and promotes the Ripresa Package initiative , a cycle of online meetings focused on the theme of exports. Here’s what it is. Recovery Package: how it works Characteristics of the meetings Webinar calendar How to participate Recovery Package: how it works The initiative is carried out thanks to the collaboration of the national agency for the internationalization of the Promos chamber system and with the support of NIBI , Promos Italia’s Business School.
The objective of the
Perugian chamber of commerce is to Taiwan Phone Number List support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that wish to make their debut or strengthen their presence abroad. The activities will be a unique opportunity to reorganize in the post-emergency restart phase. Furthermore, Pacchetto Ripresa is part of the initiatives of the Internationalization Desk of the Perugia Chamber of Commerce .