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Improves site loading speed

Your site’s loading speed is another essential factor for ranking on Google, and site design has a significant impact on loading speed.

The ideal loading speed should be less than one second, but 2 seconds is tolerable. If your site takes 3 seconds or more to load, it will be considered slow and users will abandon it.

Just two seconds of prolonged loading will cause 87% of users to stop viewing your site.

Check the loading speed with one of the many online tools available for this purpose, and then review the site to find out what’s slowing it down.

Compress files and images, optimize code by telegram data removing unnecessary lines, reduce the number of redirects on pages, regularly clear the cache and choose your server carefully because a lot depends on its speed (the optimal server response speed would be less than 200ms ).

Design predictable and simple navigation

Navigation is one of the most critical components of a successful user experience, and should have the following characteristics:

  • It should be simple and easy, even for inexperienced users.
  • It must be coherent and intuitive.
  • All the categories that comprise it must have the appropriate name.
  • It should offer the possibility of returning to previously visited pages.
  • It must offer a proportional level of activity and time.
  • It should fit the purpose of the site.
  • It should support the user’s goals and behavior.

The easier it is for visitors to find what caseno data they need, the more likely they are to convert.

User-friendly navigation also reduces the chances of your visitors becoming confused and leaving your website, reduces bounce rates, and improves your rankings.

Improve readability

Although designers focus primarily on the non-text elements of their site, it’s important to choose fonts and sizes that are easy for visitors to read.

We suggest you put aside your personal to calculate the cart preferences in this area. Choose clear and concise fonts, make sure they’re not too small, and avoid using pale colors.

For example, beige letters on a white background may be difficult to read, while white letters on a black background are tiring to follow, and readers will quickly give up.

Additionally, your designer should know to leave enough space for text, unless the base text is pulled from a current web page (or pre-written) and included in the design specifications.

You’ll need a lot of informative, optimized content to rank well, and a design that looks good with just a few sentences of text will frustrate your SEO specialist.