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For starting companies, it is advisable to spend

With SEA you can advertise in search ads of search engines for a fee. Advertisers pay for keywords here. When internet users type in these keywords! the highest bidder is displayed at the top of the search results. You can recognize SEA ads by the word advertisement that is displayed before the URL of the website. In this blog we give you 5 steps that you must complete so that your company can also be successful in SEA.  

Define your B2B business goals 

Before you start with SEA! you need to determine what kind of leads and conversions you want to achieve for your company. Think about why you want to start with SEA and what conversions you want to achieve. Maybe you want to increase the website traffic to your company or you want your customers to make more online purchases in your B2B webshop. Make sure that the conversions you want to achieve with SEA match your B2B business goals.  

Do B2B keyword research 

Choose carefully which keywords you want to be found on. Therefore! make a list of what makes your company unique! what services you offer and where your company’s expertise lies. If you do not know which keywords can be useful for your campaign! the keyword planner can provide a solution. Here you can research relevant keywords for your B2B company and view the volume of the keyword. The volume means how often a certain keyword has been searched for in a certain period.  

Quality Score for my B2B company 

The costs you make for SEA differ per marketing campaign! market and product. The search engine uses an algorithm to determine the height of rcs data advertisements in the search results. This height is determined by! among other things! the height of your bids and the quality score. The quality score indicates how the quality of your advertisement compares to that of your competitors. The quality score is determined by three factors! which we will briefly explain below. 

Expected Click Through Rate (CTR) 

The expected click-through rate! also known as the click-through rate! indicates the ratio of how often people who see your ad actually click on your ad. For example! if you generate 10 clicks out of 100 impressions! the CTR of your ad is 10%. With the CTR you can measure how effective your ads are and how well they meet the needs of your target group. The expected click-through rate contributes approximately 40% to the quality score in Google Ads. 

Advertising relevance 

Your ad texts should match the search queries gregory stapley voorsitter en hoof uitvoerende beampte of your target group as closely as possible. Therefore! make sure that the keywords that you want to be found for as a company are included in the title and headings of your ads. Also! make sure that the tone of voice in your ads matches the preferences of your target group. The expected click-through rate contributes approximately 20% to the quality score in Google Ads. 

Landing page experience 

The landing page experience indicates how agb directory relevant your ad is to the search intent of your target audience. A highly relevant landing page gives a higher score. The landing page should contain relevant and original content. The target audience should also be able to navigate your website easily. The expected click-through rate contributes approximately 40% to the quality score in Google Ads. 

Determine your budget 

You need to decide whether you want to work with a scalable or fixed SEA budget. A scalable budget means that the costs you make for SEA grow with the conversions/profit you achieve with SEA. A fixed SEA budget remains constant and does not grow with the performance of your advertisements.