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Every coin has two sides

Working for yourself is a great idea. You have flexible hours and the ability to choose what you do on any day of your work week.

Although self-employment may seem like an attractive option due to the freedom it offers, many people aren’t aware of the potential drawbacks. One of them is the risk self-employed workers face of facing mental health issues.

Freelancing comes with a unique set of anxieties

Self-employed workers are at high risk for buy telemarketing data mental health issues. However, these risks can be reduced if you are prepared and manage your expectations accordingly.

Preparing to work as a freelancer can be difficult, largely because it’s very difficult to anticipate the challenges you’ll face. Understanding what you’ll face mentally can help you prepare for the challenges of being a freelancer.

Although everyone is different, here are some of the challenges many self-employed people face today.

Security concerns

As an employee, you have more safety nets hong kong phone number than a full-time freelancer. With few exceptions, employees face the security of a regular income. If you have a full-time job, health insurance and paid time off may also be benefits of your contract. Taxes are largely paid by you, and many companies keep you employed even when things aren’t at their best.

Freelancers don’t have just one boss. Instead, you’re beholden to many different clients who constantly demand updates on the project you’re working on for them. With overlapping deadlines and a lot of stress, it’s harder to manage work-life balance in this scenario.

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Even if you have a virtual assistant to help you manage your workload, it can be difficult to stay focused when juggling work and family obligations.

Breaking with traditional milestones

Being self-employed can be difficult because there are fewer systems in place to guide career development than there would be if you were working professionally. One of the challenges is that, even though you may seem to have reached new levels of success, each time you end one project and begin a new one, it can feel like you haven’t accomplished anything at all.

The main problem is that it’s difficult to see your career progress; you can’t check how many times you’ve been promoted or where you are on the “ladder . “